
Druid guides for WotLK

Brokemyknife @ Kirin Tor

80 Undead Rogue
Edited on 2023-11-26 13:58:17
Hi fellow druids!

Since there are no guides yet in this section, let me create a thread for them! If you find a nice patch 3.3.5 guide you'd like to share with the community, please link it below!

Leveling guides
Feral druid 101
Feral leveling build & guide

Dellyah @ Kirin Tor

80 Undead Mage

Really awesome guides for feral druids. Helped me a lot when I was going for bear tank and I got quite better. Never mastered the cat though (good luck to anyone who's trying to).

Rexeev @ Kirin Tor

80 Troll Shaman
Here's a PvE guide for balance druids, i found it very helpful while gearing and optimizing my boomkins over the years.

@ Kirin Tor

All Races All Class
Here's a link to my druid guide folder. I wrote a lot of guides for WOTLK. Most of them are pretty bare-boned besides the resto one.

Adam @ Kirin Tor
No Characters
Edited on 2016-02-06 02:51:21
Here's a good feral tank guide:

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