
Is there much people still here?

Kaelindil @ Algalon

Blood Elf Paladin
I decided to pop back in because I was getting my WotLK itch on, and was wondering whether anyone is still actually playing?

Oathbreaker @ Algalon

Troll Hunter
Yeah there are a few of us still about. Not many but we are here.

Kaelindil @ Algalon

Blood Elf Paladin
Fair enough, guess I'll just have to stick it out to the 70's or buy a new insta 70 character my old one was deleted with the old server alas :(

Kaelindil @ Algalon

Blood Elf Paladin
actually no, looks like he's stuck in algalon

Gabriel @ Algalon

Gnome Death Knight
A few of us are still here. Now and then, but we could use many more ppl coming to this server ^^

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