Is there anyway to fix the recruite a friend?
Blood Elf Paladin
So recruite a friend doesn't work which was unfortunate tried like several emails and now they're all linked the recruit a friend feature is nice especially the rewards etc when playing together with friends.
6 months ago
Rate is Disabled.
Blood Elf Paladin
lol the RAF hasnt worked for about 2 ish months if not longer. You try to send the email and RAF never arrives in said email ive tried it several times and others i play with tried it and never sent or was received but the website says its linked.
6 months ago
Staff Member
Hello there,
There is an issue with the mailing system. I will work on it, in the meanwhile, feel free to send us an e-mail so we can link you if you wish, this way you can earn the RAF rewards while I fix it. |
6 months ago