
Algalon down forever?

Shiphrah @ Algalon
80 Orc Hunter
Hello guys,
just wanted to ask you, what is with the server Algalon? Is it down forever? I had there a lot of cool twinks, characters and items and now I do not have them. I also had like 120k gold on one character and now I do not have it :-( Any chance the server will be up again and people will play there? Please, let me know. I have not been here for a while and now I wanted to play some of my lvl 19-29 lvl twinks and I can't join the game and I miss my chars...

Anyone knows? Thank you.
Cheers, Daniel

Kaelindil @ Algalon

Blood Elf Paladin
Hey mate, if you have a look at the most recent announcement on the main page there is some information there regarding algalon

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