
Vote for dalaran-wow every day

Jarrey @ Algalon
80 Undead Warrior
Do you vote for dalaran-wow every day?

I don't know if voting every day can bring the server to a certain position in the server rankings. To reach certain positions you need the vote of not hundreds of players but thousands of them.

Despite this, I still hope for some unexpected influx of players.

Sterling @ Algalon

80 Human Paladin
I vote every day, but I’m finding it hard to keep up the motivation. There are so few things to spend VP's on. I’d really like to see more options added. Specifically, an "Appearance/Race Change" option—it's surprising that this isn’t available when we already have Faction and Name Change options.

Jarrey @ Algalon
80 Undead Warrior
I agree, if you could do something more with the voting points it would be a point to the advantage of the server.

Pokka @ Algalon
Undead Priest
I probably won't bother until this fresh server gets a date - there's nothing to offer new people when the autumn announcement basically said 'anything you do on Algalon won't really matter until the fresh server is fully progressed'

Jarrey @ Algalon
80 Undead Warrior
I'm continuing to vote to get bags that are always useful and then there are the mounts.
At least you can save some gold.

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