
Blood of Heroes

Lukav @ Kirin Tor

80 Night Elf Hunter
Remember me? Most likely not, half of you playing right now probably weren't even born when I played, anyway.

Yo Loth, I'm home, but my account is closed, would you kindly Un-close it I want to visit.

Still alive... yet I hope you are too.

Jarrey @ Algalon
80 Undead Warrior
I can't understand if this is sarcasm or a personal way of expressing affection.

Let me be clear, I am not offending you.

Mysterious @ Kirin Tor

80 Night Elf Warrior
Hi Brother Lukav how is going ^^ lets start here again when we get fresh ççç

Tilgath @ Algalon

80 Dwarf Warrior
Hi, I'm not really a hero. Bur I would like to be someday.

Jarrey @ Algalon
80 Undead Warrior
Edited on 2024-12-13 18:18:15

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