
Deleted characters and forum image cannot be changed

Jarrey @ Algalon
80 Undead Warrior
If a character has been deleted, it's not possible to change it to the new character on the new Algalon server.
I've already tried to do this from the link and clicking on Change forum profile and Change forum avatar.

If I do this, the message appears:
- Please be sure to select the correct character as it will not be able to be changed.
- You already changed your forum profile.

So do you remain in the forum with a character that no longer exists or is there the possibility of making some changes since Algalon is now online?

I know this is an adjustment that is at the bottom of the to-do list, but I hope that sooner or later it will be done.

Happy holidays to all.

Jarrey @ Algalon
80 Undead Warrior
Is there any update regarding this adjustment for the forum?

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