
blizzlike xp

Mevahina @ Kirin Tor

80 Blood Elf Hunter
Started a gnu char yet again and she is leveling too fast. ARGH! I thot I just needed to:

/.xp blizzlike

to get leveling to 1 but entering this command just gives me the suggestion to try /help. I reiterate: ARGH!

Jarrey @ Algalon
80 Undead Warrior
To use x1 the command is ".xp blizzlike" without the quotes.

Mevahina @ Kirin Tor

80 Blood Elf Hunter
OMG! Thanks, Jarrey. I pressed Enter to get to the chat/command window then enter the command as you've listed. Bingo bongo, it worked. Sigh. Oldzheimers told me to use the '/' to get to the command window. Sigh. I've only done this eleventy hundred times and everytime I struggle with it.

Jarrey @ Algalon
80 Undead Warrior

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