
"You have reached the in-game cap of unique mail..."

@ Kirin Tor

All Races All Class
"You have reached the in-game cap of unique mail recipients" error anytime I try to send mail (especially some looms) to one of my characters! It's only when I send to one of my 5 characters. It's really annoying though because I really want to main this character, but I can't send stuff from my alts. Character that no items can be sent to is Robnu on alagon server. If someone knows anything about this or if a gm can help me out, I'd be really grateful.

@ Kirin Tor
All Races All Class
At least on retail that happens (or happened) when you sent too many mails in a given time, similar to a chat mute when you spam it, as far as I know it was temporary, though no idea how long that time could be. The point supposedly was to reduce the mail spamming from gold sellers and scammers.

Now since this is a private server, that feature might be implemmented for something else, or just be an unwanted bug.

Tarpor @ Algalon

80 Blood Elf Paladin
Pretty sure you get this when the char you're sending it to has a full mailbox

@ Kirin Tor

All Races All Class
I think my mailbox was full, thanks so much!

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