
Chances that Dal-WoW will use SunwellCore?

Skoldana @ Kirin Tor

Human Death Knight
I'm not going to claim I know much about the whole private server business but after looking at SunwellCore it looks like there's some solid stuff going on.

What do you guys think the chances are that Dal-WoW will incorporate all or even parts of the core? Looking at one of the dev's comments it looks like it's pretty easy to do but like I said I'm no expert.

Skoldana @ Kirin Tor

Human Death Knight
If anyone is curious, here's the reddit post:

@ Kirin Tor

All Races All Class
Huh. Certainly looks really nice; lots of fixes and blizzlike tuning listed in the patch notes. Certainly a lot of bug fixes that aren't active on the current core.

@ Kirin Tor
All Races All Class
I'm also very interested in this. At least I would like to hear what the devs have to say about this. Really sounds very very promising.

Also I read through another server's forum that this changes are not so easy to implement as the devs said, but let's wait for a statement from our devs.

So, just a shout out for our devs and let's hope they can do anything to fix some of the little bug that still are present :)

(sorry for my rude english btw)

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