Dalaran - Era I, our new realm is open.

Dalaran, the magical kingdom of WotLK is up in the skies.

This hub of magical knowledge and experimentation from the past was founded by people who left the restraining confines and became its citizens, collectively they built up the community under the protection of the magic-using defenders of the city as a safe haven for everyone looking to set their hearthstone in a place where it won’t be forgotten or abandoned.

All our Archmages are constantly working to keep your home safe, do not be shy! We welcome everyone to become a Citizen through time and space.

On a side note Archmage Time in Algalon has a message: Hello new Citizens, I will bring the old ones to this new home as soon as possible, in the meanwhile, please enjoy the journey! See you in another timeline!

Our new realm is up! Log in: Dalaran - Era I.

Welcome Home!
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