Scarab Lord: 10th of June! And More Exciting Updates on the Horizon.

Hello Citizens of Dalaran,
We've got some exciting news to share with the community. On June 10th, we're rolling out the final quest for the Scarab Lord title, the ending of the The Scepter of the Shifting Sands chain quest. This is a great chance for players to earn some extra in-game rewards. This will be a one time event and will be available for just one day, starting the next 10th of June at 20:00 Server Time.
If you complete the quest, you'll earn the Scarab Lord title, an achievement that shows your dedication. Additionally, you'll also receive a special legendary mount, the Black Qiraji Battle Tank, which will serve as a symbol of your accomplishment. It's a small token of recognition for those who immerse themselves fully and rise to its challenges.
On a different note, you can claim now the 'Brood of Onyxia' account bound pet in our in-game store for just 1DP/1VP for a limited time, you can find it in the offers section. This mini dragon, reminiscent of the powerful Onyxia, could be a fun companion to have on your journey.
We're also aware of the ongoing discussion about the Vault of Eras. We know many of you have requested us to keep it closed since the start of our server, but recently, we've received numerous requests for it to be opened. So, we're giving you the chance to decide.
We'll soon be conducting a poll to let you vote on whether we should open the Vault of Eras or not. If the majority chooses to open it, we'll do so, but not until after the Scarab Lord quest concludes on June 10th, as we mentioned on previous news, it would come before the release of the last patch.
Speaking of which... we're finalizing the details for the release of the Icecrown Citadel. We'll be announcing the date soon, so keep an eye out for that.
We just want to say thank you to all of you who continue to make our server an exciting and enjoyable place to live this amazing experience. We appreciate your continued support, and we're excited about what the future holds.