A message from Loth. Going forward.
Hello everyone,
I wanted to apologize for my absence. It's been a tough time for me personally. I lost someone very close to me, and it's had a significant impact on my life. Dealing with that, along with a very stressful period at work, has been hard. As you can imagine, I needed some time to pull myself together.
During this time, I have been thinking about the server, making sure it stayed stable and doing a couple of fixes to the Midsummer Festival event. However, I needed to feel stronger to continue with our plans. Time has helped, and I'm feeling better now, slowly regaining my energy and clarity. Over the next few days, I will share updates and options for the community to decide on the next steps. I now feel more capable and ready to move forward with the next stage of Dalaran. Some of you knew what was happening, and I want to publicly thank you for the comforting words you sent.
Additionally, as we approach our 11th anniversary, I want to acknowledge how much this community means to me. I will be sharing updates shortly.
Thank you all for your words, patience, and loyalty. Your support has made a big difference.