Algalon Server guide for character Xfer
80 Night Elf Hunter
I'm extremely curious as to how we are to manage our accounts and characters with this upcoming server opening (Algalon) and the (Dalaran) server closure. Could you please provide more details. I am asking all in general chat (in-game) and no one knows anything or what to do. - How do we transfer the character? - Is there a way to do this as a request or function? - What is the criteria for a transfer? (min level etc.) - I'm sure there are many other questions.... Thank you and HAPPY HALLOWEEN! |
3 months ago
Rate is Disabled.
Staff Member
No worries, we will post all the information regarding Dalaran -> Algalon transfers during the next week as stated in the latest news. Cheers! |
3 months ago
80 Night Elf Warrior
Loth can we get RDF at the start than so many player start lvling alt wiout any problem thx alotof .... We Are here support you anytime thx alotof ...
3 months ago
Human Warlock
Is it going to be like a ping pong between servers or like Algalon is going to be THE main server?
or Dalaran will be back and he is going to be the main server.. it is confusing. |
3 months ago
Staff Member
Hello there,
Transfers are not open yet, we are preparing the transfer system with the character snapshot that we performed yesterday before opening Algalon. We will post about how to perform the transfers when the system is ready, which I plan it to be during the next week. Thank you. |
3 months ago
Orc Shaman
Quick question... If and when Character transfers occur or are allowed, and there's a character already with that name (On Algalon) that you have and wish to keep and not delete, what happens if you desire to transfer the character with the same name from Dalaran to Algalon? (I do not have enough vote points to change the name now)
(btw..yes..this is the Nvtzo that only I in the universe would use as a name.) |
3 months ago
Human Warlock
Edited on 2024-11-06 07:13:42 Nvtzo, let me understand what you want:
There is a character called (lets say) Nvtzo_Char in the old Dalaran realm, and there is a character also called Nvtzo_Char in the new Algalon realm. You want to trasfer the old Nvtzo_Char from Dalaran, and you want to keep the new char on Algalon? Well, IMHO the easiest way is: you keep voting until you have enough points to change character name; then you trasfer old character from Dalaran |
3 months ago
Orc Shaman
Scasala, I don't mind changing the name to a new one. What I want to know is if they are going to allow that. Will it be Blizz like where you select a char to Xfer and if the name is already taken it forces a renaming? I'm good with that.
It's like 400 or more vote points to make a name change. That would take me a year to do. I'm at 8 of the silver thingy's. |
3 months ago
Staff Member
Hello there,
No worries, if your character exists already when the transfer happens, it will get flagged for a rename automatically. I will post all the details when it's ready, still workin on some things. |
3 months ago
Orc Shaman
Just my 2 cents... Every character that I had on Algalon was still there when I logged into that account, including Nvtzo. I had two accounts and didn't realize my other account didn't have characters on Algalon. Hence, my previous question on another posting, about my character called "Nvtzo" became irrelevant. They didn't delete any characters you had there before. Don't know if this helps your question. |
3 months ago
80 Human Paladin
Of course, we want it to work—that's not the issue. I’m simply asking for more details so everyone knows what to expect. Specifically, how will my account look when I have 10 Algalon characters and more coming in from Era1? Surely, there must be an idea of how this will work by now, so I don’t see why we’re being kept in the dark. I’m not asking to rush the process—just to keep people informed. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.
3 months ago
Staff Member
Hello there,
Apologies, I am having some technical difficulties and it is taking me a bit longer than I expected. Having such large databases takes quite some time to perform transfer related tests and, I thought about posting all the information once I had them ready. You are right though - and it is normal you have some questions. So, regarding the minimum level in order to transfer a character, we thought about it being level 20. And if you don't have enough character slots on Algalon when transfering, you will be given the choice to transfer your character to another account. As stated on the latest news , merge between Dalaran-Algalon characters will not be done - at least not now. However, after the fresh realm that we are going to open is fully progressed, you will be given the choice to fully merge your characters. Hope it helps, I will keep working on it and will keep you updated. Thank you. |
3 months ago
80 Troll Death Knight
I do have a question, though it is not urgent or anything
Will we manually transfer the characters from Dalaran I to Algalon, one at a time (like the Vault of Eras), or will they be transferred automatically all at once? (Other than that, take your time, there's no rush, and thank you for all the work) |
3 months ago
80 Draenei Shaman
Any updates? The Chr transfer option is still blank.
3 months ago
Staff Member
Hello everyone,
Thank you for your words. Just wanted to give you a quick update. I am still on it; I have been having more troubles adapting the transfer system to the new cloud environment that I anticipated, as I have been migrating some services, including the game server, in order to reduce the server costs as much as I could. The transfers look good but I want to make sure there are no issues, so I will be doing some further testing and setting up an extra server instance in order to make them available as soon as possible publicly - I am planning to make them available for everyone during the Christmas holidays. @Cuchiyo: The transfers will be automated, although you will have a web interface where to select what characters from the Dalaran realm you wish to transfer to Algalon. Thank you and, I shall keep you updated. |
2 months ago
80 Night Elf Hunter
Are there any updates? It's been a while. Merry Christmas everyone. Regards, |
2 months ago
Blood Elf Paladin
Merry christmas everyone and to you loth
2 months ago
80 Night Elf Hunter
Hello again.
Thank you for the transfers. I can now play Magnuslongus again. However, I have lost my guild and everything that I collected within the guild vault. It took me some time to collect the items and I also had gold within the guild vault from my assorted characters that I was leveling. Unfortunately, all of that is gone now. Is there any way to transfer the guild over to this new server from the old one? The guild was VoxRex and Magnuslongus was the guild master. I only used the guild to manage multiple characters bag space and crafting materials, as most do, and it would not affect others, as it was a private guild. Please let me have my guild and guild bank back. Sincerely, Magnuslongus |
1 month ago
80 Night Elf Druid
Looks like there are other transfer issues from weeks ago.
Has anyone that was having issues with character transfers had any luck as of yet? Thanks! I'm starting to think this server is done and I should just focus my efforts on the other server I'm playing on. sad ... |
1 day ago